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SECTION 1 - Authority and Duties:

  1. The affairs and business of the College shall be managed by the college board College board will consist of the following
    • Chancellor-President ISCCM
    • Vice chancellor
    • Past chancellor
    • The Chancellor of the Board of the Indian College of Critical Care Medicine shall be selected by credential committee. In the event that The Chancellor is unable to attend a Board meeting, he/she shall designate vice chancellor or a Chairman Education committee to represent him/her.
    • 4 Secretaries one each for College, Accreditation, Nursing and Examinations
    • 4 Secretary Elects one each for College, Accreditation, Nursing and Examinations and they will take over as secretaries in the next term. If any of these are unwilling to work on the given post, Chancellor will have power to nominate.
    • President-elect, ISCCM
    • General Secretary, ISCCM
    • ISCCM Past President till 2017
  2. The College shall be responsible for its own internal organization and for the distribution of funds approved by executive committee of ISCCM.
  3. Official correspondence of the College shall be conducted through the Society by college secretary.
  4. Serving President of ISCCM would be The Chancellor of the Board of the Indian College of Critical Care Medicine In the event that The Chancellor is unable to attend a Board meeting, he/she shall designate vice chancellor, past chancellor in that order to chair the meeting. Vice –chancellor will be the executive and academic head of the college for its activities.

Responsibility of chancellor:

  • Be responsible for maintaining communication within the College.
  • Shall report on the activities of the College to the board and to the Membership at the society's annual business meeting.
  • Shall coordinate with secretary college for the IDCCC and IFCC and post MBBS courses and other Courses, secretary accreditation and coordinator Nursing course

SECTION 2 - Number and Classes

  • Only President, President-elect, General Secretary and Chairman, Pediatric Section of the society would be ex-officio members of the board. Past President will be ex-officio member for the year 2014 to 2017.
  • Nominated/elected Board members will be redesignated as secretary elects. Each one will be given responsibility by the chancellor, one each for college, accreditation, nursing critical care and examinations after their consent. They will take over as the secretaries in the next term. They will work in close association with secretaries to understand the working. College secretary will coordinate with all secretaries and secretary elects of all the activities of the college.
  • The term for all members will be one year except member secretary elects; which will be two years (one year as secretary elect and next year as secretary)

SECTION 3 - Nomination and Election

(a)Nominating Committee – A nominating committee shall be appointed by the Chancellor to prepare a list of candidates after their written approval for elections to the board prior to the Annual Meeting of the College.

(b) Eligibility:

  • He should be the fellow of the college for the last 3 years.
  • He should be teacher of the college run courses for the last four years (IDCCM/IFCCM).
  • He is willing to work as Secretary Elect for one year followed by Secretary for the next one years in the designated department (accreditation, college, controller of examination, Nursing).Total duration two years.

(c) Selection Process:

  • The applicant will apply for the desired secretary elect post in detailed form with detailed resume.
  • One fellow can apply only for one category of secretary elect post
  • Applicant will apply along with a non-refundable fee of Rs. 5000/- .
  • Credential Committee will scrutinize the form within three weeks after the last date of withdrawal.
  • If the candidates are more than one in any of the category of secretary elect than there could be election electronically.
  • The process should start with the general election of ISCCM and should finish at the same time.
  • If there is no application in any of the category, the Chancellor and the College Board will nominate that secretary elect in that category.
  • For a particular post, same candidate cannot be nominated for more than 2 tenures.

(d) President elect ISCCM will oversee the election of board members. This process should start 5 months before the annual general body meeting of college.

(e) Election of Vice – Chancellor:

Eligibility: He should be fellow of the college. He should have served on the board for at least one term. His credentials should be approved by the credential committee. Election: Will be elected by fellows by votes cast electronically or written ballot as decided by the President Elect.

Election process for all the posts of the college should start by August and complete by December.

SECTION 4– Tenure and Qualifications of the Board members

  • There will be no post of Board members as they will be redisignated as secretaries and secretary elects.
  • Members of board who fail to attend two consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings shall be removed unless reinstated by 2/3 vote of the board]
  • Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Secretaries (college and accreditation) term will not be more than one term i.e. 1 year
  • No member will be on college board for more than 6 years including as a copted member

SECTION 5 - Vacancies

Vacancies on the board will be filled by nomination of the Chancellor and approval of the 2/3rd o the board, for the unexpired term.

SECTION 6 - Meetings

  • An annual meeting of the board shall take place in conjunction with the Society's Annual Meeting, following the annual meeting of the College.
  • Interim meetings of the board may be called by or at the request of the Chancellor not more than four times a year. Members will be given at least thirty (30) days notice of such a meeting. This could be prior to executive meeting of ISCCM.

SECTION 7: Quorum

A majority of the authorized number of the board shall constitute a quorum.

Minimum of 4 members should be present.

SECTION 8 - Action of board

Except as otherwise specified in these Guidelines for Governance, every decision done or made by a majority of the members of the members present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present. The Chancellor, or Acting Chancellor, shall have no vote in the conduct of College business unless the votes cast are tied.

SECTION 9 - Officers

(a) Officers and Their Nominations: The officers of the Board of members shall be the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, the Past Chancellor, and the Secretary of college. The officers constitute the College Executive Committee and are empowered to act for the Board in the interval between its meetings. On the College Executive Committee, only the position of Secretary will be an elected position. The Board prior to the Annual Meeting of the College must confirm the nomination(s).

Additional nominations may be made by written petition, signed by 10 Fellows in good standing and filed in the College’s office thirty (30) days prior to the interim meeting of the Board.

(b) Vacancies: A vacancy in any office, other than the Chancellor, shall be filled by nomination of the Chancellor with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board present at the next meeting. A vacancy in the office of Chancellor shall be automatically filled by the Vice Chancellor, who shall serve for the unexpired portion of the Chancellor’s predecessor’s term prior to beginning his/her own term. Thereafter, the order of precedence shall be Past Chancellor and secretary of college..

(c) Role of the Chancellor: It shall be the duty of the Chancellor to preside over all meetings of the College and Board, to cast a deciding vote, to see that the proper parliamentary procedure and decorum are enforced in all deliberations of the College. The Chancellor shall appoint committee members

(d) Role of the Vice Chancellor: He will be the executive head of the college. the Vice Chancellor shall preside over deliberations of the College in the absence of Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor shall act on behalf of the Chancellor in the event of the Chancellor's incapacity.

(e) Role of the Past Chancellor: In the absence of the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor, the Past Chancellor shall preside over the deliberations of the College.

(f) Role of the Secretary of college: The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the College and forward these minutes to the Society's office for distribution to Fellows. The Secretary- shall maintain current list of Fellows in the Society's office. The Secretary shall preside over the deliberations of the College in the absence of the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, and the Past Chancellor. He will be responsible for monitoring IDCCM, IFCCM. Post MBBS courses Secretary Accreditation- will supervise the accreditation of all the institutes and teachers.

(g) Examination coordinator: The board in its first meeting will appoint a Controller of examinations for one years who will look after the exams being held twice a year for IDCCM and IFCCM and Post MBBS. His responsibilities will be as follows.

  • Overall coordination of all the IDCCM, IFCCM and Post MBBS Certificate Course exams every year. The exams for Indian Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (IDCCN) will be coordinated by designated Nursing Program Coordinator
  • Preparing the theory exam question paper for IDCCM exams
  • Planning the centers to conduct the exam and appointing Chief examiner and other examiners
  • Obtaining results promptly and ensuring that results are declared in the website no later than 7 days after completion of exams
  • Communicating results of exams to all the candidates
  • Ensure Preparation of certificates and distributing to candidates
  • Appropriate coordination with college Secretary to ensure smooth communication and implementing standard procedures for the examination
  • Addressing any grievances from candidates pertaining to conduct of exams
  • The Controller of exams will not serve as an examiner in practical exams during his tenure
  • His term will be for maximum of two years